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TRAVEL SKINCARE: Maintain Your Skincare Routine On The Go!

Traveling is indeed a therapeutic experience. While it's exceedingly relaxing for the mind and soul, it is tiresome for the skin and the body. In fact, if you travel a lot, you know traveling intensely affects your skin. Dry, flaky, or dull, your extravagant travel is bound to affect your skin in some way or the other. While packing for your most awaited trip you will have plenty of things that you can’t afford to forget. But, if you want that feel-good flush, we strongly advise you to maintain your skincare routine on the go. Yes, we are here with a set of tips to help you make the most of your travel skincare. If you have already started worrying! No, it will not make your luggage heavy and no it will not steal the fun out of your impromptu getaway. Here are some travel skincare tips that are super-easy to implement.

Travel Skincare

Go Small - Travel Size Versions

There is a reason the smaller bottles of your favourite products exist. You need to get your hands on those travel size products to simply eliminate the hassle of extensive and troublesome packing. Just a handy bag to have everything at hand. It’s almost a dream come true. Also the best part is it is the travel size products are easily affordable and you can even reuse them.

Simplify - Go Minimal

It is unreasonable to expect you will indulge in a 10-step routine after you come back from a tiresome but an experience of a lifetime. That is why you need to simplify and go minimal. Your routine can simply include, a cleanser, serum, moisturizer and a sunscreen.

Stay Hydrated - Body + Skin

Whether its your body or your skin, you need your hydration. If you have the option to chose just one product, we would recommend your moisturizer. A moisturizer works as a hydrating agent while protecting your skin from any environmental damage.

Go Natural - Healthy and Happy Skin

You must go for a natural and clean product to avoid any pimples in your vacay-pictures. No, seriously, a vacation forces you to eat unhealthily and disturbs all your existing routine. Amidst an already threatening environment why would you feed your skin with chemicals. Pick natural products for happy and healthy skin all day long.

Makeup Remover + Cleanser

While you cannot avoid wearing makeup on vacation because c’mon you want to look your best every day. You need to remove your makeup well before you sleep. You might start with a makeup remover but your makeup remover is not enough to give you clean and oil-free skin, you need to cleanse. A cleanser is your holy grail.

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