best face polish

7 Reasons Why You Need A Face Polish Instead Of A Regular Scrub

Exfoliation – A buzzword, a crucial step in your skincare routine, or something you’ve been ignoring, we don’t know what is it for you! What we know is that it can do wonders for your skin if done in a proper manner. We’ve noticed that people either love exfoliation or completely hate it – there’s no in-between! We don’t know if you’ve tried it before or not but a creamy, gentle face polish can do wonders for your skin by cleansing it from inside out and imparting it a youthful bounce! If you’re already a fan of exfoliation, you might already know what it does for your skin. But if not, here are 8 reasons why you need this magical step! Also, do not forget to cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser like this one before exfoliating it to get the best results.

  1. Use a face polish instead of a regular face scrub as it is gentle on your skin and does not get into the areas you don’t want it to.
  2. A face polish is loaded with the goodness of natural ingredients like superfoods, good oils, etc. so that it does not completely dry out your skin.
  3. Regular scrubs are gritty and harsh, but a face polish never over-exfoliates. It is made up of smaller and gentler particles.
  4. A face polish that has a clay base, so it soothes and calms the skin. Also, it simultaneously provides great exfoliating action.
  5. It is enriched with AHAs in order to provide regular and effective exfoliation to your skin.
  6. It listens to the needs of your skin, if you’ve had a rough day at work and your skin really needs exfoliation, do not hesitate to use a face polish.
  7. Exfoliation with gentle face polish is a routine rather than a choice because it is an extremely important step and can give you incredible results.

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At Model Off Duty Beauty, we have 2 face polishes, formulated with the goodness of natural ingredients like green tea, rose, etc. in order to impart a youthful glow and bounce to your skin.


This creamy face polish cleanses, exfoliates and removes dead skin with purifying pumice. A luscious blend of emollients softens the skin, leaving it smooth and even-toned. It is packed with the goodness of rose, almond shea butter, etc. and does not leave your skin dry or patchy.


Our face polish exfoliates skin and removes skin aging dullness with twice the polishing power of a normal scrub. Formulated with naturally-derived skin smoothers and Pumice. Packed with Green Tea, Coconut oil and French Green Clay to give that extra bright glow.

Convinced to use a face polish yet? If yes, we bet you won’t regret!